corso online di inglese livello avanzato B2


A Distanza

110 €/mese IVA Esente

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  • Tipologia

    Seminario intensivo

  • Livello

    Livello avanzato

  • Metodologia

    A distanza

  • Ore di lezione


  • Durata

    10 Settimane

  • Inizio

    Scegli data

  • Invio di materiale didattico

  • Tutoraggio personalizzato

  • Lezioni virtuali

  • Esami presenziali

Corso di gruppo in videoconferenza

Il corso di gruppo ti consente di imparare la lingua straniera in un gruppo di lavoro dinamico, attivo e piacevole, organizzato in classi a numero chiuso da 2/3 fino a un massimo di 5/6 allievi per massimizzare il tempo di utilizzo pratico della lingua da parte di ogni singolo partecipante.
Questo corso, con frequenza monosettimanale, permette di lavorare intensamente e sviluppare un rapporto interattivo con l’insegnante, tale da permettere di utilizzare la lingua straniera in modo attivo fin dal primo giorno di corso.
Il corso di gruppo prevede l'erogazione di 20 oppure 30 ore di docenza, organizzati in 10 oppure 15 incontri da 120 minuti, per una durata complessiva di 10 oppure 15 settimane.
La quota di iscrizione è comprensiva di:
Materiali didattici esclusivi inlingua corredati di Cd audio
Test iniziale per valutare il livello
Tests in itinere, uno ogni 5 units, per verificare che non ci siano lacune ed eventualmente provvedere a colmarle
Test Finale
Attestato inlingua in cui vengono riportati il giudizio complessivo, il livello iniziale e il livello CEF raggiunto (Common European Framework).

Sedi e date


Inizio del corso

A distanza

Inizio del corso

Scegli dataIscrizioni aperte

Profilo del corso

Acquisizione certificazione livello B2 QCER

A tutti gli interessati con livello di inglese B1finale/B2 iniziale

maggiore età + 18 anni

Corso certificato di inglese avanzato

VIRTUAL CLASSROOM con docente madrelingua su piattaforma multimediale WebEx Cisco

Da oggi puoi studiare comodamente da casa tua!!

inlingua cremona mette a disposizione il proprio staff di docenti madrelingua per lezioni virtuali in piccoli gruppi (max 4 persone), strutturate sulle tue esigenze. Le nostre lezioni non sono videoregistrate! Sono vere e proprie lezioni di lingue straniere con il nostro staff di docenti madrelingua, strutturate con percorsi didattici personalizzati in base alle esigenze linguistiche degli studenti.

La scuola invierà i dettagli su giorni ed orari di frequenza, modalità di iscrizione e pagamento

Certamente! La scuola inlingua è accreditata MIUR, quindi alla fine del corso ogni partecipante riceverà una certificazione che ha valore legale in Italia

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  • Lingua straniera
  • Inglese
  • Inglese online
  • Inglese scritto
  • Inglese parlato
  • Inglese avanzato
  • Inglese in videoconferenza
  • Certificazione linguistica
  • Inglese di gruppo
  • Inglese b2


Paolo Dossena

Paolo Dossena

Docente inglese C2 - certificato CELTA


Talking about frequency
Functions: Describing precise and approximate frequency
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing frequency
Theme: Learning English
Explaining aims and ambitions
Functions: Describing objectives and targets
Describing hopes and ambitions
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing objectives
Words and phrases for describing hopes and ambitions
Phrases with to be able to
Theme: Learning English
Exchanging points of view
Functions: Expressing degrees of agreement and disagreement
Target Language: Phrases for describing extent of agreement and disagreement
Short responses for expressing agreement and disagreement
Theme: English for international communication
Discussing travel experiences
Functions: Making initial reference to previous experiences
Discussing previous experiences in detail
Target Language: Contrasting the Present Perfect and Past Simple
Review of irregular verbs in the Present Perfect and Past Simple
Theme: Common travel experiences
2.2 Comparing experiences
Functions: Describing experiences comparatively
Describing superlative experiences
Target Language: Review and extension of comparatives and superlatives
Comparatives and superlatives with the Present Perfect
Describing exceptional things
Functions: Describing exceptional and beautiful things
Target Language: Review and extension of adjectives for describing extremes
Theme: The Seven Wonders of the World
Describing buildings and built-up areas
Functions: Referring to types of buildings and structures
Target Language: Words for referring to buildings and structures
Words for referring to areas of cities
Theme: Urban planning
3.2 Describing shapes and sizes
Giving detailed descriptions
Functions: Giving multiple-word descriptions
Target Language: Adjective order
Theme: Building design
Talking about daily life
Functions: Referring to routine activities
Target Language: Multi-word verbs for discussing routines
Theme: Commuting culture
4.2 Discussing travel arrangements
Functions: Discussing travel preparations and practicalities
Target Language: Multi-word verbs with an object
Splitting multi-word verbs
Theme: Travel planning
4.3 Discussing leisure pursuits
Talking about cooking utensils and their uses
Functions: Referring to common cooking utensils
Describing common cooking actions
Target Language: Names of common cooking utensils
Verbs to describe the functions of cooking utensils
Theme: “Must have” cooking utensils
5.2 Referring to common ingredients
Talking about functions
Functions: Describing uses and functions
Describing capabilities
Target Language: Passive with modals and with need to / have to
able to / capable of …ing
Words and expressions for describing functions and capabilities
Theme: Cutting-edge kitchen technology
Discussing past and recent concepts
Functions: Describing past concepts and systems
Describing recent or new concepts and systems
Target Language: Review of the Passive with the Past Simple
Passive with the Present Perfect
Theme: Reinventing the wheel
6.3 Predicting future concepts
Functions: Discussing future concepts and systems
Discussing hypothetical concepts and systems
Target Language: Passive with “will” and “going to”
Passive with “could”, “may” and “might”
personalities and attitudes
Functions: Describing personal characteristics
Target Language: Words to describe personal characteristics
Theme: Psychometric tests
7.2 Discussing strengths and weaknesses
Functions: Describing strengths and weaknesses
Describing personal likes and dislikes
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing strengths and weaknesses
Words and phrases for describing personal likes and dislikes
Theme: The entrepreneurial mind
7.3 Talking about recent jobs and tasks
Functions: Discussing recent tasks with regard to results
Discussing recent tasks with regard to actions
Target Language: Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous
Describing general climatic conditions
Functions: Discussing detailed information about the climate
Target Language: Terms for describing the temperature and climate
Theme: Climate zones
8.2 Describing types and extremes of weather
Functions: Referring to types of weather conditions
Referring to extreme weather conditions
Target Language: Terms for describing weather conditions
Theme: Weather in the news.
8.3 Discussing climate-change issues
Discussing predictions and probability
Functions: Describing degrees of likelihood
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing likelihood
Theme: Predictability and uncertainty
9.2 Describing hypothetical scenarios
Functions: Describing scenarios and theories
Target Language: Review of Second Conditional
Second Conditional in the Passive
Theme: Megatsunamis
9.3 Discussing approximate quantities
Functions: Referring to approximate quantities and figures
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing approximations
Theme: Global ripple effects
Unit 10 Customer Experience
Referring to types of retailer
Functions: Referring to categories of retail outlet
Target Language: Review and extension of store vocabulary
Theme: Shopping abroad
10.2 Talking about services
Functions: Referring to services provided by others
Referring to jobs that you do yourself
Target Language: have/get (something) done
Words to describe service actions
Theme: Purchasing FAQs
10.3 Discussing purchases and orders
Functions: Understanding terms and conditions of purchases
Discussing problems with purchases
Target Language: Specific vocabulary in terms and conditions
Words for describing problems with purchases
Talking about travel reservations
Functions: Discussing details and conditions of travel tickets and fares
Target Language: Detailed travel ticket and fare vocabulary
Theme: Online bookings
11.2 Describing sequences
Functions: Referring to the stages in a sequence
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing sequences
Theme: Ticket collection
11.3 Exchanging insights and advice
Functions: Offering advice
Target Language: Phrases and idioms for offering advice
Phrases for responding to advice
Describing developments
Functions: Describing changes and developments
Target Language: Related verb and noun forms
Theme: The concept of the global village
12.2 Referring to future actions and events
Functions: Referring to things that will be happening
Referring to things that will have happened
Target Language: Future Continuous: will be
Future Perfect Simple: will have (done)
Future time markers: by the time, by that time, by then
Discussing global economic issues
Functions: Referring to key economic issues
Target Language: Related noun, verb, adjective and adverb forms
Theme: Globalization
Referring to past events and periods
Functions: Referring to finished events and periods of time
Referring to unfinished events and periods of time
Target Language: Contrastive review of known past and perfect tenses: Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, used to
Theme: Prehistoric quiz
13.2 Relating past events and periods
Functions: Describing past happenings which preceded others
Target Language: Past Perfect Simple
Past Perfect Continuous
Theme: Prehistoric timeline
13.3 Referring to animal species
Functions: Referring to frequently mentioned animals
Referring to families of animals
Target Language: Names of animal species
Names of families of animal species
Theme: Survivors: opposites of endangered species
Describing styles
Functions: Describing styles in terms of modernity
Describing styles in terms of originality
Target Language: Multiword adjectives
Theme: Houses: old versus new
14.2 Describing past approaches
Functions: Describing past methods
Describing past conventions
Target Language: Extension of “used to” (past)
“would” (used to)
Theme: How homes have changed
14.3 Making connections and contrasts
Functions: Making connections between related points
Contrasting conflicting points
Target Language: Words for connecting and contrasting points
Referring to ages and eras
Functions: Referring to people’s ages approximately
Referring to different age groups
Referring to past eras
Target Language: Words and phrases for describing approximate ages
Words and phrases for describing past eras
Theme: Generations X, Y, Z
15.2 Discussing causes and consequences
Functions: Explaining the causes of actions and events
Explaining the consequences of actions and events
Target Language: Words and phrases for referring to causes
Words and phrases for referring to consequences
Theme: Generations and intelligence
15.3 Describing timeframes
Functions: Referring to approximate timeframes
Target Language: Words and expressions for approximate timeframes

Ulteriori informazioni

Studenti per classe: 2/4

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corso online di inglese livello avanzato B2

110 €/mese IVA Esente