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55187 - Linux System Administration



1.465 € +IVA

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Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.


  • Tipologia


  • Metodologia


  • Durata

    4 Giorni

Eseguire i comandi essenziali di Linux come l'installazione, le ricerche e la manipolazione dei file.
Operare su sistemi Linux: gestire il processo di avvio, schedulare jobs, aggiornare il sistema, monitorare le prestazioni del sistema e gestire la sicurezza.
Gestire utenti e gruppi: l'aggiunta / cancellazione / modifica, configurazione di LDAP e PAM, modifica dei processi utente e delle risorse.
Garantire l'efficente utilizzo dell rete tramite la configurazione, il monitoraggio, il tunneling e l'instradamento del traffico.
Configurare i servizi DNS, cartelle condivise, SSH e SELinux / AppArmor così come i server per DHCP e HTTP.
Gestire lo storage sistema utilizzando partizioni, volumi logici, volumi fisici, ACL, quote e il clustering.

Profilo del corso

Professionista IT

Conoscenza dei componenti di base di Linux.Familiarità con gli editor di testo.Conoscenza di Bash scripting.

Domande e risposte

Aggiungi la tua domanda

I nostri consulenti e altri utenti potranno risponderti

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Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

6 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Linux
  • Management
  • Security
  • System Startup
  • Shutdown
  • Linux System
  • System V
  • Linux Filetree System Layout
  • Key directories
  • Kernel Services and Configuration
  • Partitioning and Formatting Disks
  • RAID and LVM
  • Processes


Microsoft Certified Trainer

Microsoft Certified Trainer

Microsoft Certified Trainer



Module 1: System Startup and Shutdown

Understanding the Boot Sequence

The Grand Unified Boot Loader

GRUB Configuration Files

System Configuration Files in /etc

The init Process

SysVinit Startup

chkconfig and service



Shutting down/Rebooting the System

Lab : Chapter Labs

Boot into non-graphical mode using GRUB

Add a new startup service with System V

Add a new startup services with system

Run Shutdown vs. Halt vs. Reboot

After completing this module, students will be able to:

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Manage startup process in Linux.

Manage startup process in Linux.

Manage shutdown process in Linux.

Manage shutdown process in Linux.

Module 2: Linux Filetree System Layout

Data Distinctions

FHS Linux Standard Directory Tree

root (/) directory





/lib and /lib64












Lab : Chapter Labs

Change size of the default directories

Touring the /proc Filesystem

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe how the Linux Filesystem is set up.

Demonstrate knowledge of how the key directories work.

Module 3: Kernel Services and Configuration

Kernel Overview

Kernel Configuration


Kernel Modules

Module Utilities

Module Configuration

udev and Device Management

Lab : Chapter Labs

Manipulating system tunables with sysctl.

Changing the maximum process ID.

Working with Kernel modules.

Working with udev

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe how the Linux Kernel is configured.

Work with Kernel modules.

Manage devices.

Work with udev and sysctl.

Module 4: Partitioning and Formatting Disks

Common Disk Types

Disk Geometry


Naming Disk Devices

Sizing up partitions

Partition table editors

Lab : Chapter Labs

Using a file as a disk partition image

Partioning a Disk Image file

Using losetup and parted

Partitioning a real hard disk

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Partition disks.

Name disk drives.

Size partitions.

Edit partition tables.

Module 5: Linux Filesystems

Some Notes About Filesystems

Virtual Filesystem (VFS)

Filesystem Concepts

Disk and Filesystem Usage

Extended Attributes




Creating and formatting filesystems

Checking and Repairing Filesystems

Mounting filesystems


Filesystem Quotas

Lab : Chapter Labs

Defragmenting a system.

Modifying Filesystem parameters using tune2fs.

Working with file attributes.

Mounting options.

Managing swap space.

Filesystem quotas.

Working with XFS

Working with btrfs

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create Filesystems.

Format Filesystems.

Mount Filesystems.

Use swap partitions.

Manage Filesystem quotas.

Repair Filesystems.

Module 6: RAID and LVM


RAID Levels

Software RAID Configuration

Logical Volume Management (LVM)

Volumes and Volume Groups

Working with Logical Volumes

Resizing Logical Volumes

LVM Snapshots

Lab : Chapter Labs

Creating a RAID device

Creating Logical Volumes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Understand, configure and monitor RAID.

Create, resize and utilize Logical Volumes.

Work with LVM snapshots.

Module 7: Processes

Programs and Processes

Process States

Execution Modes


Creating Processes

Process Limits

Process Monitoring




Lab : Installing and Configuring Windows 7

Controlling processes with ulimit

Using ps and top

Monitoring process states

Examining signal priorities and execution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the role of processes in Linux and how they relate to programs.

Identify the different states processes can take.

Monitor and limit processes.

Set process priority using niceness values.

Module 8: Package Management Systems

Software Packaging Concepts

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)

DPKG (Debian Package)

Revision Control Systems

Lab : Chapter Labs

Using RPM

Rebuilding the RPM database

Using DKPG

Version control with git

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Understand the role and function of package management systems.

Understand and use RPM.

Understand and use DKPG.

Understand the role of revision control systems, particularly git.

Module 9: Package Installers

Package Installers




Lab : Chapter Labs

Basic yum commands

Using yum to find information about a package

Managing groups of packages with yum

Adding a new yum repository

Basic zypper commands

Using zypper to find information about a package

Basic APT commands

Using APT to find information about a package

Managing groups of packages using APT

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the role that package installers play in managing the software update process.

Demonstrate proficiency with APT, yum and zipper.

Module 10: User and Group Account Management

User Accounts



Restricted Shells and Accounts

The root Account

Group Management

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

Authentication Process

Configuring PAM

LDAP Authentication

File Permissions and Ownership


Lab : Chapter Labs

Working with user accounts

Working with groups

Configuring PAM

Using chmod

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Manage users and groups by adding/deleting/modifying them.

Configure and use LDAP.

Configure on use PAM.

Modify user processes and resources.

Appropriately use the root account.

Use SSH to securely access remote systems.

Module 11: Backup and Recovery Methods

 Backup Basics

 cpio

 tar

 Compression: gzip, bzip2 and xz and Backups

 dd

 rsync

 dump and restore

 mt

 Backup Programs

Lab : Chapter Labs

Using tar for backup

Using cpio for backup

Using rsync for backup

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the benefits of backup up data.

Demonstrate proficiency with common backup tools.

Demonstrate proficiency with common compression tools.

Module 12: Networking

IP Addresses


Configuring Network Interfaces


Name Resolution

Network Diagnostics

Lab : Chapter Labs

Static configuration of a network interface

Adding a static hostname

Adding a network interface alias

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain how IP addresses function.

Manipulate hostnames.

Configure network interfaces.

Route traffic persistently and non-persistently.

Perform network diagnostics.

Module 13: Firewalls





Source Management

Service and Port Management

Lab : Chapter Labs

Installing firewalld

Examining firewall-cmd

Adding services to a zone

Using the firewall GUI

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the role and function of firewalls.

Understand the most commonly use tools.

Describe the function of zones.

Implement services on zones.

Module 14: Local System Security

Local System Security

Creating a Security Policy

Updates and Security

Physical Security

Filesystem Security

Linux Security Modules

Lab : Chapter Labs

Using SELinux

Security and mount options

Using umask

Usint setuid and scripts

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the sources of threats to system security.

Understand the components important to creating a security policy.

Demonstrate basic familiarity with SELinux.

Module 15: Basic Troubleshoot and System Rescue

 Troubleshooting Overview

 Things to Check: Networking

 Boot Process Failures

 Filesystem Corruption and Recovery

 Virtual Consoles

 Rescue Media and Troubleshooting

 System Rescue and Recovery

Lab : Chapter Labs

 Preparing to use Rescue/Recover media

 Recovering from a corrupted GRUB configuration

 Recovering from a password failure

 Recovering from partition table corruption

 Recovering using the install image

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the common sources of corruption/performance issues.

Identify the cause of system issues.

Recover a system after some of the most common types of issues.

Ulteriori informazioni


Esame: LFCS - Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator

Manuale: Il Materiale Didattico Ufficiale per tutti i corsi Microsoft MOC può essere richiesto, se disponibile, in forma elettronica (DMOC) invece che cartacea e lo studente iscritto potrà scaricarlo dal sito Microsoft. Chi acquista un DMOC ha diritto a consultare tutte le versioni del manuale, sia quelle precedenti a quella che acquista sia quelle che usciranno successivamente, dove troverà corretti eventuali errori e/o le novità del prodotto.

Prezzo manuale: 270 € incluso nel prezzo del corso

Natura del corso: Operativo (previsti lab su PC)

Hai bisogno di un coach per la formazione?

Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.

55187 - Linux System Administration

1.465 € +IVA