Facility Management - Breda University

Laurea Triennale

A Breda (Paesi Bassi)

2.143 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Breda (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Negli aeroporti, nei grandi centri commerciali, negli edifici per concerti, negli stadi sportivi e in altri spazi come questi, i Facility Manager assicurano che tutti i requisiti siano soddisfatti in modo che i clienti si sentano a loro agio. Dalla gestione della sicurezza alla ristorazione. Dalla tecnologia alle finanze e agli eventi.
Trascorriamo gran parte della nostra vita in aree pubbliche. Pensa ai centri commerciali, alle scuole e alle aziende per cui lavoriamo. Come Facility Manager assicura che l’organizzazione in questi spazi soddisfi tutti i requisiti, in modo che i clienti si sentano a proprio agio e che i dipendenti siano produttivi.
Quindi sei un vero ""go-getter"" con la capacità di gestire le persone? Ti piacerebbe creare un ambiente adatto a clienti e dipendenti o colleghi? Facility Management potrebbe essere per te! Diventa un leader stimolante e un ""management partner"" a livello strategico.
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Inizio del corso

Breda (Paesi Bassi)
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Inizio del corso

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Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Management
  • E-business
  • Sicurezza
  • Business
  • Aeroporti
  • Operations management
  • Facility management
  • Finanze
  • Ristorazione
  • Eventi
  • Concerti
  • Stadi sportivi


In four years, you will learn how to develop to an all-round Facility Manager. Where will you find your dream job? Think big, think anywhere, because our students work all over the world. But first things first. You do need to develop, in order to get there. We will help you learn the things you need to know, improve your skills and offer you training on-the-job. With our programme, we will provide you with all you need to get your future job!
You can find more information about planning, curriculum and subjects in the complete programme. We will explain below what you can expect in each year.

Year 1
The two first year modules are offered on alternating basis.
Knowing the fundamentals of Facility Operations. This module is an introduction to Operations Management and Management Information Systems in facility management organizations, in combination with practical training in the in-house training company Sibelicious. You will work in several outlets such as catering, service desk, store room, restaurant and kitchen. You organize, cater for, manage and provide service to real customers, who come in daily for lunch, dinner, a meeting or a congress. Next to that, you learn the basic principles of emergency response.
Understanding the Facility Management Industry. You will learn how to deal with the basics of Finance, Economics, Marketing, Business Law & Ethics and Investigative Abilities in relation to the facility management industry.
Competencies learned in these modules are brought together at the end of the year in a final project. In a small group of students you will make a prototype or renewal of a facility environment.

Year 2 and Year 3 first fase
Year 2 and 3 consist of a total of 3 modules, the second and the third of which are offered on alternating basis.
-Developing People and Organisations
Take a close look at behavioral aspects of working with people in organisations. (Courses: Oganisational behaviour, Business Law & Ethics, Investigative Abilities and Economics)
-Managing Business Performance and Innovation
Learn how to deal with customer relations, service marketing and pricing strategies. (Courses: Accounting, Operations Management, Management Information Systems and Marketing)
- Exploring the International Facility Industry
In this 5 month practical placement you will experience living and working in a real life, cross cultural facility environment abroad.

Year 3, phase 2
Creating Excellence in Facility Management. The main focus of this module is strategic management. It examines the corporate strategic possibilities of organisations and encourages you to integrate, at a strategic level, what you have learned in previous courses, based on investigative abilities.

Year 4
You choose a personalised context in which you will perform your bachelor’s thesis and have the possibility to complete a personalised curriculum component (e.g. a minor, work placement, advisory report, business plan). Under the supervision of a personal coach, you will work on your final thesis, which you will defend at the end of the year.

Ulteriori informazioni

BUAS è un'università relativamente piccola con 7000 studenti
provenienti da oltre 100 paesi.
In Breda sei preparato per posizioni di livello dirigenziale in un contesto internazionale.

BUAS è accreditato a livello internazionale (tra gli altri) dall'Organizzazione mondiale del turismo delle Nazioni Unite, dall'Organizzazione mondiale del tempo libero e dall'International Facility Management Association. Certificato ECA per l'internazionalizzazione della qualità nel programma.

Caratteristiche Uniche
1. Molta attenzione personale per gli studenti
2. Riconosciuto dai professionisti di tutto il mondo
per i loro corsi di turismo e leisure
3. BUAS ha un proprio ristorante professionale gestito da studenti!
4. Nuovo campus spettacolare in un vecchio monastero

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Facility Management - Breda University

2.143 € IVA inc.