Industrial Engineering and Management - Avans University

Laurea Triennale

A Breda (Paesi Bassi)

2.143 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Breda (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Hai un talento per la tecnologia e ti piace lavorare con persone di tutto il mondo? Sei veloce nel vedere come funzionano le macchine o i processi?
In Avans impari a pensare in grande, più grande, grandissimo (big, bigger, biggest). Nel programma di studio Ingegneria industriale e gestione ti concentri interamente sul controllo della manutenzione internazionale.
Ogni giorno centinaia di persone salgono a bordo degli aeroplani. Sei responsabile di garantire che questi aerei siano in buono stato di manutenzione. Gestisci la manutenzione di grandi navi, la produzione di energia sostenibile o di macchine nelle fabbriche. Non solo per le aziende tecniche, ma anche nel settore dell'assistenza e per il governo. Non eseguire la manutenzione da soli, ma assicurarsi che avvenga. E convincere il management che è necessario.

Corso & informazioni vengono dati in inglese

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Inizio del corso

Breda (Paesi Bassi)
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Inizio del corso

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La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Tecnologia
  • E-business
  • Manutenzione
  • Management
  • Ingegneria
  • Ingegnere
  • Ingegneria industriale
  • Industrial engineering
  • Industria


The programme
All classes are taught in English. Naturally, the key areas are technology and maintenance. But also management, leadership and negotiation. You will draw up cost projections, schedules and reports. And give presentations in English. You will visit various companies in the Netherlands and abroad. And carry out practical assignments for them. You will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree. This programme is NVAO-accredited.
Maintenance management is strongly on the rise. You will work in close collaboration with the biggest companies around the world. With students from the Netherlands and further afield. The programme is extremely practice-based. You will spend the first two years studying in Breda. Your work placement and graduation phase can take place in Breda, but the opportunities are all around the globe.
You will study complex technical systems in depth. You will know what you are talking about when you design and record maintenance procedures. Or explain them to the engineers who will carry out the maintenance. You will learn to predict how long a machine will last. And when it is time for large-scale maintenance. So you can preclude risks and monitor safety. You will also learn about management structures. Planning and execution. Materials management. Cost analysis. And logistical matters.
Foundation phase
This study programme combines business management, technology and people-oriented subjects. Later you will work with complex technical systems. You will learn to establish a link between design and research, and to translate this into technical specifications. You will also learn to make sound predictions about service life and replacement, and to assess safety risks and quotations.
Advanced phase
You will follow subjects in the field of business management. You will learn how to deal with management processes, implementation, quality control and logistical issues.
Maintenance is teamwork. That's why you will take classes on leadership, communication and project management. Because you will be working at an international level, you will study international business cultures in depth. And ergonomics, safety and health. You will usually carry out your research projects within companies.

You will do a five-month work placement in the third year. This will take place either in the Netherlands or abroad. Often at a multinational if staying in the Netherlands. You will learn to stand on your own feet and put the theory into practice.

You will do a five-month graduation assignment. In the Netherlands or abroad. This is for you to decide. You will demonstrate that you now excel at Industrial Engineering & Management.

Career possibilities:
Maintenance Consultant or Manager / (Assistant) Project Manager / Reliability Engineer / Asset Manager

Ulteriori informazioni

Avans è stato incoronata miglior grande Università olandese di scienze applicate per molti anni. Offre pochi corsi in inglese, ma sono di alta qualità. Pone requisiti elevati agli studenti. Crede fermamente che senza competizione non ci sarà crescita personale.

Caratteristiche Uniche
1. La migliore grande università dei Paesi Bassi, già da anni.
2. Pochi corsi in Inglese, ma di grande qualità
3. Chiedono molto dai loro studenti, quindi questa non è un'università
per studenti pigri!

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Industrial Engineering and Management - Avans University

2.143 € IVA inc.