International Finance & Accounting - Saxion University

Laurea Triennale

A Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


"Ti piacerebbe giocare un ruolo nel mondo dell'economia internazionale o sei solo interessato a studiare con persone provenienti da tutto il mondo?
Nella teoria della finanza la contabilità internazionale e l'esperienza pratica vanno di pari passo. Questo corso è una base eccellente per una carriera nel mondo degli affari o del servizio pubblico nel proprio paese o all'estero. Offre anche la possibilità di fare il tuo master in un'università dentro o fuori i Paesi Bassi. Il contenuto è simile a quello della laurea in Economia aziendale olandese.

Caratteristiche uniche:
Programma ACCA Accelerate: questa partnership significa che i laureati riceveranno 7 esenzioni per il programma ACCA e saranno in grado di aggiungere ""studenti ACCA"" al loro CV.
Università partner del Regno Unito: prendi parte a un progetto di apprendimento internazionale online che offriamo in associazione con un'università partner del Regno Unito. Collaborerai con studenti di un'università del Regno Unito e lavorerai insieme per massimizzare il tuo patrimonio. Una grande opportunità per l'apprendimento interculturale!

Corso & informazioni vengono dati in inglese"

Informazioni importanti

Frequenza obbligatoria

Accesso libero con prova di accertamento obbligatoria

Sedi e date


Inizio del corso

Enschede (Paesi Bassi)
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Inizio del corso

SettembreIscrizioni aperte

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Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • E-business
  • Stock
  • Management
  • Business english
  • Apprendimento
  • Studiare in olanda
  • Study in holland
  • Finance
  • Finanza
  • Finanza internazionale


Lonnie Holders

Lonnie Holders

goingdutch, university counsilor


The Programme
International Finance and Accounting programme is structured around the following themes:
(1) Financial Management
Emphasis in this course is on issues of Investment and Financing. We will discuss: investment selection methods, the functioning of the stock exchange, valuation of shares and bonds, risk measures, the nancing theory of MM, mergers/take-overs and the functioning of derivatives (options, futures). What risks are associated with investing abroad and mergers with (take-overs by) foreign companies? This course has ground in common with International Financial Management.
(2) Financial Accounting
The Financial Accounting course can be divided into three areas: Annual Accounting/Reporting (for example the relevance, reliability and comparability of information in the Annual Report), International Financial Accounting (about IFRS, US-GAAP and the different accounting traditions) and Business Administration.
(3) Management Accounting
In this course planning and management activities of business are addressed. Topics are: expenses and net price, stock rating, performance assessment, budgeting and control and quality management (TQM, Six Sigma, etcetera). We will also discuss different management and reward systems and styles and see that they strongly depend on the cultural background of the company.
(4) Professional Skills
Other essential professional skills that we will cover, such as Computer Skills, Professional Communication, Business English, Intercultural Groupwork and Ethics.
(5) Internship
During your internship you work independently on professional tasks in a business organization in The Netherlands or abroad. You get to experience the coherence between the various disciplines within the organization as well as working under deadlines.

Year 1 - Working on basic knowledge
The focus this year will be on the basic knowledge you will need as a financial specialist. You will attend lectures on micro/macroeconomics, financial management accounting, international law, financial management and business communication.
Topics: Business English / Financial Accounting / Financial Management / Business Communication / Marketing & Management / Micro/Macro Economics / International Law / Computer Skills / Sociology & Cultural Anthropology / Management Accounting / MIS/ICT / International Taxes

Year 2 - Developing an international perspective
From the second year on we will go into the matter of finances more deeply. You will learn to look at economic relations, financial markets, currency markets, investments, risk management, marketing and international laws and rules in the field of economics, finance and accounting from an international perspective.
Topics: Management Accounting / Research Skills / Ethics / Corporate Governance / Marketing & Management / Business English / Human Resource Management / Financial Management / International Financial Management / Supply Chain Management / Accounting Information Systems / Business Communication / Financial Accounting / International project
Year 3: From theory to international practice
In the third year you will gain more profound knowledge of financial and management accounting and auditing and further improve your research skills. It is also time to deploy your theoretical knowledge in an internship in an international business environment.
Year 4: Doing your minor and your Research and Advisory Report
Your minor is very valuable for your future professional situation or follow-up study. In your minor you can either study a specific topic in-depth or broaden your range of courses. You will continue your studies by doing your Research and Advisory Report. The periods both take half a year and you will spend one of these semesters in a country other than your own.

Career prospects
With a degree in Finance and Accounting you will be welcome in a wide range of Internationally oriented companies. This could, for example, be a bank or insurance company, the financial department of a multinational in the retail, food or car industry or the European Union.
Examples of jobs: Financial Accountant / Controller / Analist / Advisor / Stock Market Analist / Portfolio Manager / Treasurer

Ulteriori informazioni

Saxion è nota per le sue fantastiche strutture di apprendimento, che ospitano ad esempio uno studio cinematografico professionale, un fablab, un laboratorio di educazione lego, laboratori di realtà virtuale, laboratori di robotica e l'elenco può continuare..
A Saxion si concentrano sull'applicazione di innovazione e tecnologia in tutti i corsi. Da fisioterapia a fashion, da turismo a media. Un semestre interdisciplinare (in cui lavori su un progetto con studenti di altri settori) fa parte di tutti i programmi di laurea.
1. Smart Solutions semestre (interdisciplinare) per tutti gli studenti
2. Laboratori pazzeschi (fablab, virtual reality lab, robotica lab, legolab, ecc)
3. Hanno un vero supermercato nel loro edificio principale!
4. Nel bellissimo verde dell’est dei Paesi Bassi, pedalerai in Germania in 10 minuti!

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International Finance & Accounting - Saxion University

Prezzo da consultare