International Human Resource Management - Saxion University

Laurea Triennale

A Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

2.530 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


"La chiave del successo in ogni organizzazione risiede nella sua gente. In International Human Resource Management (IHRM) non solo si impara a valorizzare quella chiave, ma si sviluppano anche le competenze necessarie per diventare un professionista delle risorse umane, orientato al business e all' internazionalità.
Acquisirai una conoscenza approfondita della relazione tra comportamento umano, lavoro e organizzazioni. Imparerai anche abilità pratiche, che ti permetteranno di capire e influenzare le persone in un'organizzazione. Il programma offre una preziosa formazione pratica sotto forma di progetti. Nei gruppi di progetto, i cosiddetti laboratori, lavorerai su compiti impegnativi per le aziende.

Top Rated Programme 2020
Corso & informazioni vengono dati in inglese"

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Inizio del corso

Enschede (Paesi Bassi)
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Inizio del corso

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Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • E-business
  • Organizzazione
  • Management
  • HR
  • Risorse umane
  • Gestione risorse umane
  • Human resources
  • Human Resources Management
  • Studiare in olanda
  • Study in holland


The programme
The International Human Resourse Management programme is structured around the following themes:
(1) People Development
If you want people to reach their full potential, you need to understand what makes them tick. That is why we put an emphasis on understanding human psychology throughout many of the courses.
(2) Personal Development
You need practical skills to navigate the complexities of the business world. For that reason many of the courses are about enabling you to become a great communicator and credible professional.
(3) Human Resources and Business
In HR you need to be the bridge between people and business. Therefore we offer courses in international business, leadership, economics, strategy, organizational design and culture.
(4) HR and Technology
New technologies are influencing the way we work. In the programme we will show you how to use social media and develop new and innovative tools for job market communication.
(5) Practical component
You may develop a new training system, advice on how to handle differences in culture or how to adapt the reward system.

Year 1 - In-depth knowledge
During the first year of International Human Resource Management you will get in-depth knowledge of the relationship between human behavior, work and organizations. You will study business economics, organizations and work design and human talent development.
Topics: Introduction to psychology / International business and ethics / Basic communication skills (1, 2, 3) / Intercultural communication / Organizational psychology / Introduction to people and labour / Business economics / Group dynamics / Professional communication skills / Organizations and work design / Introduction to international HRM / International labour law / Job evaluation and reward systems / Introduction to human talent development / Project management / Research skills

Year 2 - Understanding human resource management
The emphasis during the second year of IHRM lies on understanding human resource management in relation to business disciplines and principles. You will also further develop your research and basic communication skills.
Topics: Strategic management and organizational structure / Operational HRM / Financial management / Intercultural communication skills 2 / Organizational communication and culture / International HRM reward systems / Labour law 2 / Group dynamics 2 / Managerial processes and decision making / Making a business plan / Tactical HRM / Research skills 2 / Recruitment / Business game / Training systems / Training in thesis writing

Year 3 - Practice your skills
After gaining knowledge about IHRM during the first two years, you will apply what you have learned and practice your skills in labs. With other students you will analyze real HR problems that organizations face and develop innovative and practical solutions. You will also do a compulsory minor on human resource development.

Year 4 - Internship and thesis
During the fourth and final year of your studies you will do your internship and write your Bachelor thesis within an international organization. Most students spend a full year abroad.

Career prospects
When you graduate you will be a well-trained professional with in-depth knowledge of change processes and a broad set of intercultural communication skills. You demonstrate a professional approach to working with diverse groups of people in an international environment. Possible positions in organizations worldwide are: strategic management adviser, coach/trainer, recruiter, talent development manager.

Ulteriori informazioni

Saxion è nota per le sue fantastiche strutture di apprendimento, che ospitano ad esempio uno studio cinematografico professionale, un fablab, un laboratorio di educazione lego, laboratori di realtà virtuale, laboratori di robotica e l'elenco può continuare..
A Saxion si concentrano sull'applicazione di innovazione e tecnologia in tutti i corsi. Da fisioterapia a fashion, da turismo a media. Un semestre interdisciplinare (in cui lavori su un progetto con studenti di altri settori) fa parte di tutti i programmi di laurea.
1. Smart Solutions semestre (interdisciplinare) per tutti gli studenti
2. Laboratori pazzeschi (fablab, virtual reality lab, robotica lab, legolab, ecc)
3. Hanno un vero supermercato nel loro edificio principale!
4. Nel bellissimo verde dell’est dei Paesi Bassi, pedalerai in Germania in 10 minuti!

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International Human Resource Management - Saxion University

2.530 € IVA inc.