Measuring informal employment



1.000 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia


  • Metodologia


  • Inizio


This course aims to enhance national capacities to produce and collect data on informal employment and categories of informal workers as part of the diagnostic phase of the above intervention model. The course also aims to promote the collection of data on the number of entrepreneurs and economic units in the informal economy, and their characteristics, as an integral part of national labour statistics, following R.204 guidelines on promoting formalization at national level.

Sedi e date


Inizio del corso


Inizio del corso

NovembreIscrizioni aperte

Domande e risposte

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  • Informal employment
  • Social protection
  • Data Analysis
  • Data protection
  • Organizations
  • Sicurezza lavoro
  • Sicurezza sociale
  • Protezione dati
  • Risorse umane
  • Formazione


This course aims to enhance national capacities to produce and collect data on informal employment and categories of informal workers as part of the diagnostic phase of the above intervention model. The course also aims to promote the collection of data on the number of entrepreneurs and economic units in the informal economy, and their characteristics, as an integral part of national labour statistics, following R.204 guidelines on promoting formalization at national level.

Who attends this course?

The course targets statisticians, labour analysts and policy-makers from ministries of labour and other ministries (including but not limited to social protection, planning, agriculture and finance), and from workers' and employers' organizations.

Chiama il centro

Hai bisogno di un coach per la formazione?

Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.

Measuring informal employment

1.000 € IVA inc.