Mecanical Engineering - Fontys University

Laurea Triennale

A Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)

2.530 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Sei affascinato dalla tecnologia? Sei interessato all'ingegneria meccanica e vuoi scegliere un ampio campo di studio che ti offra molte opportunità di lavoro dopo la laurea?
Dalle piattaforme petrolifere all'industria delle materie plastiche, dalle montagne russe nei parchi di divertimento ai dispositivi e alle macchine, ovunque incontrerai ingegneri meccanici. Ingegneri e progettisti tuttofare, che sanno anche come funzionano i processi. Gli ingegneri meccanici si concentrano sulla progettazione (tecnica), la fabbricazione e l'immissione sul mercato di attrezzature, impianti e macchinari. Gli ingegneri meccanici rendono le cose ""migliori"".
Riesci a immaginare come aiutare un cliente a realizzare macchinari o dispositivi più efficienti dal punto di vista energetico? O rendersi conto che un processo di produzione produce meno rifiuti? In Fontys sei addestrato per diventare un ingegnere a tutto tondo. Imparerai la teoria e la pratica di cui hai bisogno per progettare, creare e mantenere macchine e processi di produzione. Le tue lezioni sono tenute da insegnanti con molta esperienza lavorativa nella vita reale. Pratichi le tue abilità tecniche ed esegui incarichi di progetto (aziendali) impegnativi.

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Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)
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Inizio del corso

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Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Construction and mechanics
  • Mathematics
  • Energy & process
  • Measurement
  • Produzione
  • E-business
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Design
  • Engineering


The programme
About one third of the bachelor programs Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics consists of projects that you perform with fellow students. Just like in real companies. You learn how to work together in a team, working methodically, thinking thinking and how to communicate better.

Year 1
During the first year of study you learn what Mechanical Engineering is about. You are involved in projects which are supported by typical Mechanical Engineering related subjects like: Construction and mechanics / Mathematics / Energy & process / Measurement / Control and modeling / Thermodynamics / Communication and presentation tecniques / Materials & Manufacturing / Personal development & integrated design methods
In laboratories you practice technical skills such as dealing with machines and milling, welding and turning. Also practicing with drawing programs, working with 3D equipment, modeling and simulation are parts of your studies.

Year 2
As from the second year you expand your knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering. This is called the core phase of the program. You will also get the opportunity to be involved in applied research. Together with other students, teachers and employees from companies you work and do research on new technological opportunities and innovations. This will be done in the so-called EXPO or IPD projects. Projects can involve 3D printing in our OBJEX-lab, Adaptive Robotics or projects in the fields of electrical driving.

Year 3
In the first semester of the 3rd year you will do your first internship: you then work and study in a company related to your study field in Mechanical Engineering. For you this is a great opportunity to apply what you have learned so far in a real working environment. In the 2nd semester you will do your minor programme: you can choose to do a minor related closely to ME or choose a university minor that is not related to your major ME. There are many opportunities like minors related to Business, ICT, Marketing or even minors offered at other universities in the Netherlands or abroad.

Year 4
In the first semester of the 4th year you choose one of our specializations: General ME, Energy- and Process Technology or Business Engineering. Charateristics for General ME are: design of complex and advanced constructions, learning about precision engineering of moving and non-moving constructions including stiffness and effects of frictions in constructions. Charateristics of Process Technology are: power control and improvement of energetic output. Your focus will be on energy and process technology related topics. But also heat and heat exchangers will be interesting topics. Saving energy in industrial applications is also part of the programme. Charateristics for Business Engineering are: in the framework of ME you will learn more about business economics like management and organisation (HRM). But also topics like costs structures, investments and patents are dealt with. Business Engineering is interesting for those students in ME who have a wish to start their own future company.
In the 2nd semester of the 4th year you will do your graduation semester (20 weeks). Again you will work and study in a company in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The assignments need to have a relation with your specialization semester. During this final semester you also need to write your bachelor thesis report.

Ulteriori informazioni

Fontys University of Applied Sciences si trova nel cuore innovativo dei Paesi Bassi: Eindhoven (Brabant). Ha un gran numero di studenti e corsi di grande qualità tra cui puoi scegliere.
Fontys offre una garanzia abitativa e quasi il 100% dei suoi studenti tecnici (in corsi come la meccatronica e il software engineering) trova lavoro anche prima di laurearsi. Scelta perfetta per coloro che sono appassionati di tecnologia e stanno pensando di iniziare la loro carriera nei Paesi Bassi.

Caratteristiche Uniche:
1. Fa parte del consorzio BRAINPORT, la regione più innovativo di Europa
2. Il Sole 24 Ore ha scritto questo articolo su Brainport & Fontys
3. Offre una garanzia abitativa (se ti iscrivi in tempo)
4. Fontys la trovi in 5 città Olandesi: Eindhoven, Tilburg, Venlo, Sittard, Rotterdam

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Mecanical Engineering - Fontys University

2.530 € IVA inc.