Mechatronics - Fontys University

Laurea Triennale

A Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)

2.530 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Nei prossimi anni verranno prodotti sempre più dispositivi che ci aiuteranno a rendere leggero il lavoro pesante o addirittura a toglierci il lavoro manuale (robotica). Sempre più dispositivi meccatronici determineranno la nostra vita quotidiana. Gli elettrodomestici stanno diventando intelligenti, l'elettronica offre un uso migliore e più facile. Tutti questi dispositivi non esisterebbero senza la meccatronica o sarebbero molto più costosi. La meccatronica svolgerà inoltre un ruolo significativo nello sviluppo di attrezzature per consentire l'assistenza sanitaria a distanza per le persone anziane (salute e qualità per la vita).
Nell'ambito del programma Meccatronica presso la Fontys University riceverai lezioni impartite da insegnanti che hanno lavorato in questo campo. Sanno cosa sta succedendo nel mondo in rapida evoluzione della meccatronica. Eserciterai le tue abilità tecniche e condurrai progetti stimolanti che portano a prodotti innovativi.

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Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)
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Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Meccatronica
  • Mechatronic design
  • Electrical networks
  • Mechanics
  • Digital design
  • C-programming
  • Ingeneria meccatronica
  • Ingeneria elettrica
  • Elettronica


The programme
Mechatronics is a combination of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science. In this program, you combine thingking and do-ing. Find out how to make devices safer and easier to use. And of course: you design them! Think of an automated car wash, a production robot or in healthcare a wheelchair or robot arm replacement. Mechatronics has become an indispensable worling field. We teach you the theory and practical knowledge and learn you to be a specialist in systematic design techniques including the control of robotic products and machinery.

Year 1
Already in the first year, you start putting theoretical knowledge into practice by running projects. In order to realize a product, for example a robot, you combine Mechatronics related subjects like: Mechatronic design / Electrical networks / Mechanics / Digital design / C-programming / Mathematics / Integrated design techniques / General engineering skills / Communication and presentation techniques
The learned theory and the acquired skills are immediately used in laboratory work and projects. Especially in the first year the projects are based on gamification: principles and techniques how to improve teamwork and learning how to do projects. A future Mechatronics engineer has excellent knowledge and skills but he/she also needs to be a perfect team worker.

Year 2
As from the second year you expand your knowledge and skills in mechatronics. This is called the core phase of the program. See ""Subjects per semester Mechatronics"" for more information. In the 2nd year you also start to do projects with students from other Engineering disciplines like Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Project based learning has a strong relationship with the subject-specific courses. The projects all have a link with real-time assignments from industry. In the second year you will take part in EXPO (= Engineering eXPerience Organisation) projects; in the 3rd and 4th year IPD (= Integrated Product Development) projects.

Year 3
In the first semester of the 3rd year you will work and study in a mechatronics related company (first internship). You will be involved in mechatronics assignments that will have university level. In the second semester of the 3rd year you will do your minor programme: for 1 semester you will study subjects related to your major mechatronics or you can choose to do subjects that are not related to your major (e.g. Business Engineering). Fontys will help you in finding a minor that suits your interests best.

Year 4 (exam phase)
In the final year of your bachelor programme mechatronics the first semester will be a specialization programme: robotics or control systems. In the 2nd semester you will do your final graduation project: again you will work and study in a company but at the same time you need to write your bachelor thesis report.

Career prospects
Linked to the bachelor program Mechatronics is the knowledge center Mechatronics & Robotics. This center has close connections with many companies in the Brainport Region: Europe's leading innovative top technology region, the place to be for every Mechatronics student.

Ulteriori informazioni

Fontys University of Applied Sciences si trova nel cuore innovativo dei Paesi Bassi: Eindhoven (Brabant). Ha un gran numero di studenti e corsi di grande qualità tra cui puoi scegliere.
Fontys offre una garanzia abitativa e quasi il 100% dei suoi studenti tecnici (in corsi come la meccatronica e il software engineering) trova lavoro anche prima di laurearsi. Scelta perfetta per coloro che sono appassionati di tecnologia e stanno pensando di iniziare la loro carriera nei Paesi Bassi.

Caratteristiche Uniche:
1. Fa parte del consorzio BRAINPORT, la regione più innovativo di Europa
2. Il Sole 24 Ore ha scritto questo articolo su Brainport & Fontys
3. Offre una garanzia abitativa (se ti iscrivi in tempo)
4. Fontys la trovi in 5 città Olandesi: Eindhoven, Tilburg, Venlo, Sittard, Rotterdam

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Mechatronics - Fontys University

2.530 € IVA inc.