
Applied Computer Science - Saxion University

9 opinioni
  • It was the most prestigious and fascinating university I had ever attended for my bachelor's degree. The facility and education are enough and I do not have any complaints about studying and doing practical work. Even during the pandemic, the school always adapt in most situation to help many students to continue with their study when in quarantine. That is mostly my opinion about the university I studied in.
  • The Teachers are always available for any questions you have education-wise and personal. It is truly an experience for me
  • I really like the way we focus on hardware and embedded systems and not only the software. I have been studying at Saxion for 5 weeks now and I feel that I have learned so much. Also the personalized way of teaching really gives teachers the opportunity to always help a student out.

Laurea Triennale

A Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

2.530 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Sei interessato a sistemi di programmazione come robot o droni a pilotaggio automatico o termostati intelligenti? Come studente del programma Applied Computer Science di Saxion lavorerai sulle ultime soluzioni.

La combinazione di hardware (come sensori e microcontrollori) e software (come C ++ e Java) costituisce il nucleo del programma Applied Computer Science. Scoprirai cosa sono gli "embedded systems" in tempo reale e imparerai tutto sull'automazione e il controllo dei processi. Il risultato è garantire che tutti i dispositivi siano programmati correttamente, in modo che funzionino alla perfezione.

Il primo anno di ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica e informatica applicata è praticamente lo stesso. E se ti piacesse progettare e costruire hardware più della programmazione, è possibile passare all'ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica.

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Enschede (Paesi Bassi)
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  • It was the most prestigious and fascinating university I had ever attended for my bachelor's degree. The facility and education are enough and I do not have any complaints about studying and doing practical work. Even during the pandemic, the school always adapt in most situation to help many students to continue with their study when in quarantine. That is mostly my opinion about the university I studied in.
  • The Teachers are always available for any questions you have education-wise and personal. It is truly an experience for me
  • I really like the way we focus on hardware and embedded systems and not only the software. I have been studying at Saxion for 5 weeks now and I feel that I have learned so much. Also the personalized way of teaching really gives teachers the opportunity to always help a student out.

Valutazione del corso

Lo consiglia

Valutazione del Centro

Lam Tran

Sul corso: It was the most prestigious and fascinating university I had ever attended for my bachelor's degree. The facility and education are enough and I do not have any complaints about studying and doing practical work. Even during the pandemic, the school always adapt in most situation to help many students to continue with their study when in quarantine. That is mostly my opinion about the university I studied in.
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Ijeoma Jennifrancess Oduche

Sul corso: The Teachers are always available for any questions you have education-wise and personal. It is truly an experience for me
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Mihail Bachvarov

Sul corso: I really like the way we focus on hardware and embedded systems and not only the software. I have been studying at Saxion for 5 weeks now and I feel that I have learned so much. Also the personalized way of teaching really gives teachers the opportunity to always help a student out.
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Thinh Cao

Sul corso: 9/10 would recommend.
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Cas Serrarens

Sul corso: Most classes are great. 1 subject is a bit hard to follow.
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Robert Calin

Sul corso: From my point of view, this university for applied science is perfect for a student that is open to new ways of studying, because from my last year I learned more from the practical assignments than I thought possible. Overall this university is a fit for me and other students I have talked to, and any problem encountered has been solved promptly by the staff.
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Muhammad Arief Kurniawan

Sul corso: Saxion is a good university especially for my course. I am enrolled in for my first year and I am very excited for my first year in university. I am wishing this survey could help others.
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Lyuboslav Stoyanov

Sul corso: Very good education
Consiglieresti questo corso?:

Luciano Orlandini

Sul corso: Un corso molto interessante. Sono al terzo anno e ho imparato già tantissimo!
Consiglieresti questo corso?:
*Tutte le opinioni raccolte da Emagister & iAgora sono state verificate

Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Studiare all'estero
  • Studiare in olanda
  • Study in holland
  • Studiare nei paesi bassi
  • Laurea triennale
  • Programmazione
  • Sistemi informatici
  • Software
  • Software engineering
  • Robotica
  • Competenze
  • Computer


The programme

Aplied Computer Science has two themes:
(1) Software engineering
This theme encompasses more than just programming, it involves thinking about the entire design process. You will also learn how to ensure that software is reliable, thoroughly tested, and maintainable.
(2)Embedded systems
Working together with ‘electro’ students you will learn how to design, make, program, and test embedded systems – actually, any device that contains both hardware and software but doesn't look like a personal computer, such as a smart TV, robot, or mobile phone.

Year 1 - Learn the language of technology
In the first year you lay a solid foundation in programming, design, mathematics, and electronics. You will put this knowledge to good use as you work on various projects. Among other things, you will make a safe with an electronic code lock and a self-driving, energy-efficient robotic racing car. All the projects are controlled with C on an Arduino microcontroller. A-microcontroller is the brain behind the device you are working with.
Topics: Mathematics / Electrical networks: DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) / Programming in C and Java / Software design (UML) / Digital electronics / Communication skills and personal development / Projects: safe, racing car

Year 2 - Embedded systems
Working together with ‘electro’ students you will learn how to design, make, program, and test embedded systems – actually, any device that contains both hardware and software but doesn't look like a personal computer, such as a smart TV, robot, or mobile phone.

Year 3 - INTERHSHIP in the business world and Smart Solutions
In the third year you will complete a half-year internship and learn how to do applied research. During the Smart Solutions project you will carry out a research project as part of a team that includes students from various study programmes. This involves making use of the latest developments and insights. A good example is the Small Size Holland project, in which students work on a football robot.

Year 4 - MINOR (free modules) and graduation
In the fourth year you spend a half-year working on a minor. This gives you the opportunity to broaden or deepen your knowledge and skills. You can then carry out your graduation project at companies such as Demcon, Thales, and Topicus. Most graduation projects are proposed by the business community and the Saxion research groups, but you might also be able to pursue a problem facing the industry today that you suggest yourself.

Career opportunities
There is currently a significant shortage of IT professionals with a higher education. Companies are therefore urgently looking for people like you. So you have a good chance of finding a job in the field directly after graduation as for example a: Programmer/software engineer / Test engineer / Quality Manager / Project manager

Ulteriori informazioni

Saxion è nota per le sue fantastiche strutture di apprendimento, che ospitano ad esempio uno studio cinematografico professionale, un fablab, un laboratorio di educazione lego, laboratori di realtà virtuale, laboratori di robotica e l'elenco può continuare..
A Saxion si concentrano sull'applicazione di innovazione e tecnologia in tutti i corsi. Da fisioterapia a fashion, da turismo a media. Un semestre interdisciplinare (in cui lavori su un progetto con studenti di altri settori) fa parte di tutti i programmi di laurea.
1. Smart Solutions semestre (interdisciplinare) per tutti gli studenti
2. Laboratori pazzeschi (fablab, virtual reality lab, robotica lab, legolab, ecc)
3. Hanno un vero supermercato nel loro edificio principale!
4. Nel bellissimo verde dell’est dei Paesi Bassi, pedalerai in Germania in 10 minuti!

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Applied Computer Science - Saxion University

2.530 € IVA inc.