
A Padova

6001-7000 €

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  • Tipologia


  • Luogo


Multiple choice or oral examination. Questions in the multiple choice may have one or more possible answers. The exam will be held at the PC and with pre-fixed duration

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BIOLOGY: The cell membrane and its functions. Neuron and synaptic transmission. Lysosomes. The Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. The nucleus. DNA, genetic code and protein synthesis. Mitosis and meiosis. Mitochondria, anaerobic glycolysis, Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. The contraction of muscle fiber.
PHYSIOLOGY: Functional Organization of the Human Body. The nervous system (organization, sense organs, reflex, somatic and proprioceptive sensitivity, control of voluntary motility, autonomic orthosympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system). The endocrine system (pituitary and hypothalamic-pituitary system). The thyroid. The gonads. The endocrine pancreas. Adrenal gland hormones. Hormones of heart and kidney - the renin-angiotensin system and the atrial natriuretic peptide ). The male and female reproducer apparatus (in particular regulation of the ovary and uterine cycle). The blood, the lymph and the immune system (notes). The cardiovascular system (structure and function of blood vessels, cardiac mechanics, electrical activity, electrocardiogram, arterial pulse, and blood pressure regulating mechanisms). The digestive system (exocrine pancreas, liver, function of bile salts in digestion and lipid absorption, glucose absorption at the intestinal tract). Metabolism (anaerobic glycolysis, Krebs cycle and ATP synthesis) . The respiratory system (lungs, lung volume and capacity, gaseous alveolar exchanges, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, hemoglobin and gaseous exchanges between blood and tissues). The kidneys (mechanisms of filtration, reabsorption and secretion, acidity and urine concentration control, role of kidneys and respiration in blood pH control, measurements of plasma renal flow and VFG) Bone tissue (structure and physiological remodeling of the bones). Introduction to metabolism.

Chiama il centro

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Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.


6001-7000 €