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CAS2 - Designing Advanced Artifacts



4.058,85 € IVA inc.

*Prezzo indicativo

Importo originario in CHF:

CHF 4.000

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  • Tipologia

    Corso intensivo

  • Livello

    Livello intermedio

  • Metodologia


  • Durata

    4 Mesi

  • Campus online

Corso Online Designing Advanced Artifacts

Il modulo Designing Advanced Artifacts si incentra sulla relazione che si instaura tra l’essere umano e lo sviluppo di una nuova tipologia di oggetti. Gli studenti imparano a creare delle esperienze attraverso lo sviluppo e la programmazione di oggetti fisici e sistemi digitali, dispositivi collegati, applicazioni e soluzioni basate sulla tecnologia Machine Learning.

Profilo del corso

L’obiettivo dei corsi di questo modulo è di insegnare agli studenti a sviluppare prodotti digitali dotati delle più recenti tecnologie interattive. Inoltre, gli studenti imparano a dare forma a progetti all’avanguardia grazie a soluzioni innovative pensate specificamente per un pubblico con delle necessità concrete.

Studenti e professionisti che operano nell’ambito dell’interaction design, service design e ICT; dell’industrial design, ingegnerizzazione del prodotto; dell’information architecture, information visualization, web design, user interface e usability; del design dell’allestimento, domotica e ambient experience.

Per accedere al corso occorre avere una laurea triennale (bachelor) in industrial design, in comunicazione visiva, in architettura d’interni o architettura, in scienze della comunicazione, in informatica, in ingegneria o un’esperienza professionale negli ambiti affrontati dal corso. Maker o talenti digitali sono caldamente invitati a partecipare al corso.

Certificate of Advanced Studies (18 ECTS)

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  • Design
  • Project Development
  • Business process management
  • Project management
  • Ux design
  • User Experience Design
  • Web mobile
  • Digital fabrication
  • Design Thinking
  • Computational design
  • Industrial design
  • Interaction Design
  • Design e multimedia
  • Ingegnere
  • Informatica e tecnologia
  • Disegno
  • E-learning


Andreas Gysin

Andreas Gysin


Andreas Gysin studied micro technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and Visual communication at SUPSI, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, where he graduated as designer in 2000. He is teaching on interaction design since 2004 in both Universities of Lausanne and Lugano focusing on interactivity and programming.

Lorenzo Romagnoli

Lorenzo Romagnoli

Interaction Designer

Matteo Loglio

Matteo Loglio

Interaction Designer


2.1 Machine Learning for Designers
The acceleration of processing power, large amounts of data, the release of open-source frameworks, and research papers are only a few factors that contributed to making artificial intelligence one of the most hyped and interesting trends of the last few years. Machine learning is watching over the devices we use every day, it listens and records our actions, learns our behaviors, and predicts our intentions. There are many branches of AI where designers could have a great impact. So far the most obvious applications are conversational design, voice interfaces, and natural language, but we are starting to move into more experimental directions. This course provides an introduction to artificial intelligence and relative creative applications. Participants will learn how to include AI in their projects, and to experiment with some simple tools created for artists and designers.

2.2 Designing Advanced Artifacts
The rise of smart machines and new media ecology is digital transformation driver that will have an impact on the future of education, production, innovation, and work. These drivers can be compensated with the development of fundamental skills such as sense-making, computational and adaptive thinking, and social intelligence. In this landscape, toys could play a pivotal role in addressing the development of relevant skill-set in kids and young people.

This course is devoted to the design of next-generation toys, namely artifacts that are smart, connected, interactive and that can train the next generation's brains through play and fun.

The course will engage students in a design process that is structured as a professional journey: a series of lectures will introduce to the main design challenge and to the methods and techniques to create and quickly release a design deliverable. From the ideation to the final pitch to a client, the objective is to experience and experiment with a creative-driven process to deliver projects of next generations' toys.

2.3 Programming Interactive Objects
What is an interactive system? What is the “goal” of an interactive system? What is the role of the user in such systems? The main activity of the course is a guided experimentation with code finalised to a specific assignment. Through a practical approach with a strong focus on code, the students will try to find answers to these questions by programming a complete application.

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CAS2 - Designing Advanced Artifacts

4.058,85 € IVA inc.

*Prezzo indicativo

Importo originario in CHF:

CHF 4.000