Chemical Science & Engineering - University of

1 opinione
  • Chemical Science and Engineering (CSE) uses the science of chemistry. I like that a lot since it means we are discussing questions such as; ‘How do reactions occur?’, ‘How do compositions change the properties of materials?’, ‘How can we explain phenomena we see in nature?’. This knowledge is used to solve issues in society, such as making a car battery with higher endurance and performance, or operating reactors in a chemical factory. In my opinion that is super awesome because it means we use theoretical concepts to apply it on real-life practical problems. That means you don’t just learn from the book in a boring way, but can work with you hands as well. When I had to make my choice on what to study (like you are doing right now) I was doubting quite a lot. Almost everything appealed me from economics to history and from mathematics to psychology. With so many options, it doesn’t make my choice any easier. I only did know 1 thing, namely I wasn’t planning on doing a study that was way too broad since that doesn’t leave much space for specialization. Then I found out about CSE, in here chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering is combined in such a ratio that you will learn a lot on these topics, and can specialize as well! This appealed me a lot! On top of that I found out the ambience was super nice and chill among students themselves and the teachers. I liked this a lot since I could get to know my peers easily and feel at home, plus it isn’t weird to call my teachers by their first name! When doing this study, I gained a lot of knowledge, but it doesn’t end there. It is awesome to see that you also get other skills such as presenting, working in teams and doing proper academic research. All in all this gives you a future-proof education, which I like a lot. Also my future career options appeal me. Chemical engineers are crucial in solving society’s issues and are therefore highly desired, because of their knowledge and skill package. The job market has lots of potency for you. These are just a few examples why this study is liked a lot. I am really glad I chose to do this study, because apart from the knowledge I gain, I can also apply it so it isn't only learning from the book in a boring fashion. On top of that I make friends and other contacts for life!

Laurea Triennale

A Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

2.530 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Enschede (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    3 Anni

  • Inizio


Sviluppa nuovi processi e materiali (sostenibili), usando la chimica come punto di partenza.
Qual è il modo più efficiente di immagazzinare energia elettrica? Che tipo di filtro ci vorrebbe per filtrare tanto idrogeno pulito da una miscela di gas? Quale composizione ti aspetteresti da un materiale superconduttore a una temperatura relativamente alta e come potresti realizzarlo? Se questa varietà di domande ti incuriosisce, il programma triennale di laurea in scienze chimiche e ingegneria all'Università di Twente è la scelta giusta per te.
In questo programma di laurea l'attenzione è focalizzata sull'applicazione tecnologica della chimica. Diventerai un esperto in ingegneria, progettazione e sviluppo di nuovi processi e materiali (sostenibili), usando la chimica come punto di partenza.

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Enschede (Paesi Bassi)
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  • Chemical Science and Engineering (CSE) uses the science of chemistry. I like that a lot since it means we are discussing questions such as; ‘How do reactions occur?’, ‘How do compositions change the properties of materials?’, ‘How can we explain phenomena we see in nature?’. This knowledge is used to solve issues in society, such as making a car battery with higher endurance and performance, or operating reactors in a chemical factory. In my opinion that is super awesome because it means we use theoretical concepts to apply it on real-life practical problems. That means you don’t just learn from the book in a boring way, but can work with you hands as well. When I had to make my choice on what to study (like you are doing right now) I was doubting quite a lot. Almost everything appealed me from economics to history and from mathematics to psychology. With so many options, it doesn’t make my choice any easier. I only did know 1 thing, namely I wasn’t planning on doing a study that was way too broad since that doesn’t leave much space for specialization. Then I found out about CSE, in here chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering is combined in such a ratio that you will learn a lot on these topics, and can specialize as well! This appealed me a lot! On top of that I found out the ambience was super nice and chill among students themselves and the teachers. I liked this a lot since I could get to know my peers easily and feel at home, plus it isn’t weird to call my teachers by their first name! When doing this study, I gained a lot of knowledge, but it doesn’t end there. It is awesome to see that you also get other skills such as presenting, working in teams and doing proper academic research. All in all this gives you a future-proof education, which I like a lot. Also my future career options appeal me. Chemical engineers are crucial in solving society’s issues and are therefore highly desired, because of their knowledge and skill package. The job market has lots of potency for you. These are just a few examples why this study is liked a lot. I am really glad I chose to do this study, because apart from the knowledge I gain, I can also apply it so it isn't only learning from the book in a boring fashion. On top of that I make friends and other contacts for life!

Valutazione del corso

Lo consiglia

Valutazione del Centro

Joep Elfrink

Sul corso: Chemical Science and Engineering (CSE) uses the science of chemistry. I like that a lot since it means we are discussing questions such as; ‘How do reactions occur?’, ‘How do compositions change the properties of materials?’, ‘How can we explain phenomena we see in nature?’. This knowledge is used to solve issues in society, such as making a car battery with higher endurance and performance, or operating reactors in a chemical factory. In my opinion that is super awesome because it means we use theoretical concepts to apply it on real-life practical problems. That means you don’t just learn from the book in a boring way, but can work with you hands as well. When I had to make my choice on what to study (like you are doing right now) I was doubting quite a lot. Almost everything appealed me from economics to history and from mathematics to psychology. With so many options, it doesn’t make my choice any easier. I only did know 1 thing, namely I wasn’t planning on doing a study that was way too broad since that doesn’t leave much space for specialization. Then I found out about CSE, in here chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering is combined in such a ratio that you will learn a lot on these topics, and can specialize as well! This appealed me a lot! On top of that I found out the ambience was super nice and chill among students themselves and the teachers. I liked this a lot since I could get to know my peers easily and feel at home, plus it isn’t weird to call my teachers by their first name! When doing this study, I gained a lot of knowledge, but it doesn’t end there. It is awesome to see that you also get other skills such as presenting, working in teams and doing proper academic research. All in all this gives you a future-proof education, which I like a lot. Also my future career options appeal me. Chemical engineers are crucial in solving society’s issues and are therefore highly desired, because of their knowledge and skill package. The job market has lots of potency for you. These are just a few examples why this study is liked a lot. I am really glad I chose to do this study, because apart from the knowledge I gain, I can also apply it so it isn't only learning from the book in a boring fashion. On top of that I make friends and other contacts for life!
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  • E-business
  • Chimica
  • Energia elettrica
  • Scienze chimiche e ingegneria

    1 alunni hanno indicato di aver acquisito questa competenza

  • Tecnologia di processo

    1 alunni hanno indicato di aver acquisito questa competenza

  • Materiali<br> chimica fisica e analitica

    1 alunni hanno indicato di aver acquisito questa competenza

  • Processi industriali<br> Trasporto fisico

    1 alunni hanno indicato di aver acquisito questa competenza



Why to choose Chemical Science & Engineering
- Benefit from a broad education
- work on society's future
- Take part in world-class research
- Receive guidance from the best staff

Overview of the Program:
Chemical engineers can be occupied with a very broad range of challenges and solutions. From developing the smallest chemical structures in a lab – small enough to fit on a chip – to maintaining, improving or designing giant-sized reactors and installations. This programme will prepare you for this broad and fascinating field. Throughout the programme, chemistry is not your end goal, but the starting point for deepening, broadening and sustainably applying chemical technology.

Year 1
Proces Technology
Physical & Analytics Chemistry

Year 2
Industrial Processes
Physical transport
Molecules & Materials
Elective module: choose between process technology or material science

Year 3
Elective Modules: spend 6 month abroad or choose courses from Twente or other Dutch universities
Bachelor Assignment

Career opportunity’s
CSE centres on the technological application of chemistry in the broadest sense of the word. If you are a CSE alumnus who wants to get to work right away, here are some of the many job opportunities open to you:
•Designer at a company or engineering firm: design devices, installations or even whole plants;
•Application-oriented researcher for the Research & Development department of a large company;
•Scientific researcher at a university an or institution, like TNO or ECN;
•Business consultant: advise companies from a technical and business perspective (if this interests you, consider taking a business-related subject as a minor);
•Process technologist: optimize business and production processes, taking into account changing legislation and environmental issues;
•PhD student: one third of our graduates choose to continue studying and specializing, often at a university under the supervision of a professor, where, after four years of independent research, you can submit your thesis, and after a public defence, receive the title of Doctor (dr.);
•Production manager: take responsibility for the manufacturing and quality of a product and give guidance on this process, often in an environment with expensive installations.

Ulteriori informazioni

L’Università di Twente è famosa per combinare tecnologia, innovazione e società. Con un focus sulla tecnologia per il mondo sanitario e materiali intelligenti (smart materials).

Università all’avanguardia per coloro che sono interessati a corsi tecnici innovativi e versioni moderne di argomenti più classici, come business e comunicazione. Se studiassi qui, per esempio la psicologia, non diventeresti uno ""psicologo classico"" ma uno che ricerca il modo in cui la mente umana interagisce con l'IA, i robot e la realtà virtuale.

Caratteristiche Uniche
1. High tech & human touch combinate
2. L'università più imprenditoriale in Olanda
3. Unica università con un vero campus 'americano' per gli studenti, a Enschede
4. Alcuni corsi vengono offerti ad Amsterdam

Studiare all’ Università di Twente vuole dire che:
oltre a una conoscenza e capacità professionali approfondite, svilupperai un ampio pacchetto di abilità e competenze personali del 21 ° secolo. L’ Università di Twente sviluppa un atteggiamento lavorativo incentrato sull'autoriflessione e sull'apprendimento permanente. Il suo approccio informale e personale prevede la disponibilità ad aiutarti a progredire , sia a livello professionale che individuale. Diventerai più imprenditoriale e imparerai ad applicare le conoscenze accademiche alla pratica sociale. Ti sfidano a guardare oltre le barriere disciplinari e culturali e a lavorare bene insieme agli altri, come nella loro solida educazione basata su progetti. Durante il tuo periodo di studio in Industrial Design Engineering all’ University of Twente, vivrai un'esperienza indimenticabile grazie al loro meraviglioso campus verde e alla vibrante città studentesca di Enschede, una città piena di cultura, innovazione e divertimento!

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Chemical Science & Engineering - University of

2.530 € IVA inc.