
A Padova

6001-7000 €

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  • Tipologia


  • Luogo


In class tests: active participation during necropsies sessions and microscope sessions with in class tests (30% of the final score).
Final exam (70% of the final score) will cover both theoretical and practical components of the whole course with written open questions and/or multiple choice questions, possibly including post mortem procedure.

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Inizio del corso

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Riviera Tito Livio, 6, 35122

Inizio del corso


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The course lectures cover:
-the specific terminology, the aims, the procedures and the instruments for performing necropsies in main animal models. Special efforts will be addressed in data collection and anamnesis.
- Overview ad revision of main anatomical and physiological features of principal lab animal species (mouse, rat, zebrafish, avian species etc) in regard to specific pathological processes.
- the understanding of the main gross and microscopic post mortem changes and the distinguishing features of main pathological processes in principal lab animal species including common background lesions.
- death confirmation and how cadavers should be processed or otherwise disposed with specific legislation for carcasses disposal (i.e. 1069/09 e 142/11)

-techniques and procedures involved in sample collection, submission, labeling and storage. Samples may be taken from animals and/or environment for diagnostic purposes, disease surveillance, health certification, or monitoring the response to a specific treatment or research, avoiding the occurrence of artifacts or post mortem change in the collected tissues. Minor techniques for tissue sampling, appropriate sample volumes and sampling frequencies for the relevant species will be taught. Rigour and consistency for correct recording and handling of samples.

-the safety procedures of collecting samples to avoid danger to the operator or tissue damage.
-the sampling for cytology and histology: collection procedures, staining methods, fixation.
The course lab sessions and practical activities cover:
-virtual lab to understand the main post mortem techniques. Necropsies will be performed in post mortem room on laboratory animal species (mouse, rat, fish, avian, pigs etc)
-Cytology smears will be performed on carcasses, stained and observed on light microscopy.
-Histology will be performed by sampling animals of post mortem room. Samples will be processed in anatomic pathology lab and observed on light microscopy.
-spontaneous and induced animal models
-animal cloning through somatic nuclear gene transfer
-how to obtain transgenic animals with special attention to mouse, rat, and zebrafish
-gene targeting via homologous recombination: Gene knock-out, knock-in, conditional models
-genome editing

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6001-7000 €