
Electrical and Electronical Engineering - Fontys University

1 opinione
  • One of the best Universities in Europe!

Laurea Triennale

A Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)

2.143 € IVA inc.

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Il corso di laurea in Electrical and Electronical Engineering che stavi cercando!

  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Goingdutch, studiare in Olanda presenta sul portale di Emagister il corso di laurea in Electrical and Electronical Engineering presso la Fontys University.

Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) è un programma di laurea di 4 anni insegnato in inglese, che porta al diploma internazionale di laurea (BSc). Il curriculum è offerto nel contesto di 4 temi: ingegneria del suono, cura e cura, mondo intelligente e sostenibile e connesso. Con le conoscenze e le competenze acquisite in questo programma di laurea puoi lavorare come ingegnere di alto livello nel vasto campo dell'ingegneria elettronica, sia in Olanda che all'estero.
Il programma di laurea in ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica si concentra sulla formazione universitaria professionale superiore, fondata su una solida base teorica e pratica. L'insegnamento si svolge utilizzando diversi metodi: teoria e lezioni pratiche, esercitazioni di laboratorio, ma anche realizzando progetti in tempo reale provenienti dall'industria e da attività di studio autonomo. Per tutti i programmi puoi avere un indirizzo sui contenuti e sulla pianificazione del tuo studio. Un consulente ti aiuterà a prendere le giuste decisioni!

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Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)
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  • One of the best Universities in Europe!

Valutazione del corso

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Valutazione del Centro


Sul corso: One of the best Universities in Europe!
Consiglieresti questo corso?:
*Tutte le opinioni raccolte da Emagister & iAgora sono state verificate

Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Sound engineering
  • Robotica
  • Droni
  • Ingeneria medica
  • Internet of things
  • Electronica
  • Management
  • Elettrotecnica

    1 alunni hanno indicato di aver acquisito questa competenza

  • Elettronica digitale
  • Ingegneria


As a student you are trained to become an electronic engineer in product design. Designing has an intrinsically multidisciplinary character and requires technology based knowledge but also project management skills. The bachelor program EEE offers an integrated approach of these skills by project based learning (EXPO* and IPD*) and subject-specific courses. Communication subjects and Integrated Project Management are part of the curriculum.
The Fontys EEE bachelor program with a focus on designing electronic systems is unique in the Netherlands. (*EXPO stands for: Engineering eXPerience Organisation; IPD for Integrated Product Development).

The curriculum of the EEE bachelor program is offered in the context of 4 themes:
(1) Do you want to be active with light and sound technologies? In the bachelor program EEE you can take part in projects specifically aimed at sound (and light) engineering.
(2) Innovative applications in health care are often made possible by electronic designers. In this theme you can take part in projects related to healthcare and cure.
(3) In this theme you will focus on smart and sustainable technology applications related to your living environment.
(4) as an electronic engineer you will be in the centre of all kinds of internet applications like social media and Internet of Things (IoT).

In all themes a business orientation is part of the programme. The first and second year programme offers you a range of projects belonging to the themes mentioned above. Students will have the opportunity to find out and explore what Electronic Engineering is about. The complete bachelor proramme consists of 8 semesters which offer a mix of theory (40%), practicals in laboratories (30%) and projects (30%). Two internships of 100 days each including thesis writing in a company are part of the bachelor programme. These internships are planned in semester 5 and 8.

Topics year 1 & 2
Analog Electronics / Digitale Design / Software Design / Mathematics / Generic Englis Skills, Measuring & Modeling Simulation / Embedded Connectiivity / Signal Processing / Telecommunications / Control Theory / Fields, Energy & Conversion / Communication Skills.
Projects: Security / Product & Design / Bed Side Montor / Sound Engineering / EXPO

Year 3
year of your bachelor programme EEE you will do the first internship in a company and you will do your minor program. All Fontys UAS full-time bachelor's degree programs consists of a major and a minor. The major is the core of the program and provides the basic program. The major EEE will prepare you for your future profession.
The minor is a choice program of 1 semester. As a full-time student, you can opt for a broadening Fontys minor in any study field or you choose for a deepening minor offered by EEE, for example related to Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineering. The choice is yours. Even minors outside Fontys UAS and abroad are possible. With the minor you give your study an extra boost.

Year 4
In the 4th year of your bachelor programme EEE you will do your specialization semester. You can compose your own programme of 30 credits and you can choose from the following elective subjects (each have a workload of 4 credits): Advanced Analogue Design / Digital System Design / Advanced Telecommunications / Advanced Control Systems / Business Economics / Management in Engineering / EEE7/IPD projects (10 credits)

The second semester of the 4th year will be your graduation internship period. Normally you will work and study in a company;including bachelor thesis writing.

Career prospects
The demand for electronical engineers is big in the Netherlands and in the world. With this degree you will find a job for sure! You could be working as a Robot System Engineer, Sound Engineer, Medical Systems Engineer, etc.

Ulteriori informazioni

Fontys University of Applied Sciences si trova nel cuore innovativo dei Paesi Bassi: Eindhoven (Brabant). Ha un gran numero di studenti e corsi di grande qualità tra cui puoi scegliere.
Fontys offre una garanzia abitativa e quasi il 100% dei suoi studenti tecnici (in corsi come la meccatronica e il software engineering) trova lavoro anche prima di laurearsi. Scelta perfetta per coloro che sono appassionati di tecnologia e stanno pensando di iniziare la loro carriera nei Paesi Bassi.

Caratteristiche Uniche:
1. Fa parte del consorzio BRAINPORT, la regione più innovativo di Europa
2. Il Sole 24 Ore ha scritto questo articolo su Brainport & Fontys
3. Offre una garanzia abitativa (se ti iscrivi in tempo)
4. Fontys la trovi in 5 città Olandesi: Eindhoven, Tilburg, Venlo, Sittard, Rotterdam

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Electrical and Electronical Engineering - Fontys University

2.143 € IVA inc.