
A Padova

6001-7000 €

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  • Tipologia


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In class tests: active participation during practicals and during microscope sessions with in class tests (10% of the final score).

Midterm exam (40% of the final grade): will cover both theoretical and practical components. Written open questions and multiple choice questions, possibly including photographs and microscopic lesions.

Final exam (50% of the final grade, if the midterm test is carried out and passed) will cover both theoretical and practical components. Written open questions and multiple choice questions, possibly including photographs and microscopic lesions.

If the student doesn’t sit or doesn’t pass the mid term test (with at least 60% of correct answers) the final test will cover the entire program of the course and weights 90% of the final score.
In this case, the test will cover both theoretical and practical components of the whole course with written open questions and multiple choice questions, possibly including photographs and microscopic lesions.

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Riviera Tito Livio, 6, 35122

Inizio del corso


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The course lectures cover:
-Concepts of pathologic animal structure and functions and the main causes of derangement from normality at cell, tissue and organ level.
Mechanisms of cellular and tissue injury and damage, cell adaptation, cell death (necrosis, necroptosis and apoptosis), healing and tissue repair.
-Causes and mechanisms of acute and chronic inflammatory reactions with example of their general morphology. Mechanisms of microbial infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic): portal of entry, target cells, pathways of spread.
-Vascular disorders as cause of disease.
-Basic outlines on mechanisms of immune system function. Exaggerated reaction of immune system (hypersensibility reactions) and basic mechanisms of autoimmune diseases.
-Basic tumor epidemiology. Benign and malignant tumors. Essential genetic and phenotypic events of neoplastic progression and its relationship with local and systemic effects of neoplasia.

Lab sessions and practical activities cover: Basic criteria and techniques for tissue sampling (cytology and histology). General procedures for execution (sampling techniques: routes/volumes/frequency), and analysis of hematological, biochemical and refractive index on biological fluid in different animal species, including mouse, rat, avian and domestic animals. The need for rigour and consistency in conducting scientific procedures and the correct recording and handling of samples will be taught.

Chiama il centro

Hai bisogno di un coach per la formazione?

Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.


6001-7000 €