Marketing Management - Fontys University

Laurea Triennale

A Venlo (Paesi Bassi)

2.530 € IVA inc.

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  • Tipologia

    Laurea Triennale

  • Luogo

    Venlo (Paesi Bassi)

  • Durata

    4 Anni

  • Inizio


Progettare un'entusiasmante campagna di marketing per il nuovo iPhone, organizzare una conferenza stampa per Greenpeace o condurre ricerche di mercato in cui le emozioni sono associate al mangiare il gelato. Tutti questi sono esempi di qualcosa che fa un professionista del marketing. Come marketer saprai esattamente cosa fa scattare i consumatori. Saprai perché paghiamo di più per la Coca-Cola, mentre una marca diversa potrebbe essere più gustosa in un test alla cieca e forse farai in modo che le persone dormano in una tenda per l'uscita della nuova Playstation. A Fontys ti insegneranno a capire perché alcuni prodotti hanno successo e altri no. Conducendo ricerche di mercato intelligenti, impari a scoprire le esigenze del tuo gruppo target. La tua strategia di analisi e comunicazione del mercato creerà marchi. Non userai la tua creatività solo per prodotti di consumo noti. Le banche, le organizzazioni di beneficenza e le istituzioni governative amano anche distinguersi dai loro concorrenti attraverso campagne innovative. Fontys offre una comunità di apprendimento internazionale e in interessanti progetti e stage acquisirai esperienza pratica prima di laurearti, che ti preparerà per una carriera di successo.

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Venlo (Paesi Bassi)
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4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Management
  • Target
  • Comunicazione
  • Business
  • Creatività
  • Marketing
  • Affari
  • Publicità
  • Digital communications


The programme
Marketing Management is a broad 4-year bachelor programme. You learn to understand why some products are successful and why others aren’t as well as how you can influence that. You learn to conduct market research and analyse markets to find out what the needs of your customers are. Consequently, you learn to set up communication and marketing strategies that satisfy these needs, distinguishes you from competitors and make you market leader. As a Marketing Management student you gradually transform into a marketing expert with experience in an international environment.
What do you focus on?
-Analysing the needs of different regional and international customers
-Use different marketing instruments to get your message across to different customers
-Setting up a strategic marketing plan
-Online marketing activities
-Checking and controlling the success of your marketing campaigns
-Relevant soft skills such as communication and presentation as well as an additional language

Year 1
Within the study programme Marketing Management you specialize from day one in marketing related topics. In year one, you dive into the basics of the marketing process and online marketing. You do research on consumer behaviour and get input on scientific economic research and business. On top of that you acquire relevant soft skills (e.g. communication, negotiation, teamwork, professionalism, responsibility) and learn an additional language.

Year 2
In the second year, you deepen your marketing knowledge with subjects like brand management, digital marketing, and marketing controlling. You get a good insight into practice by means of a number of projects. The main project in year two is the StartUp Factory. Within the StartUp Factory, you work together with students from different study programmes. You choose between four types of projects like setting up your own start-up company, or working on creative solutions for problems of real companies. Each kind of StartUp Factory gives you the opportunity to work on your creativity, and to learn more about communication with people from different backgrounds and different fields. Thus, in this year you get more background on the specifics of marketing, but you also work on cooperating with professionals from other backgrounds through the StartUp Factory.

Year 3
In the first semester of year three, you do a work placement in a company and industry of your choice. As a future professional, you apply yourself for this work placement allowing you to already practice your application skills for the future. During the work placement you deepen your knowledge in the real business world. The work placement can be completed in a country of your choice.
In the second semester of year three, you deepen your knowledge in a specific theme within a minor programme. The minor programme provides you with the opportunity to acquire knowledge in another field then your major. You can choose to do this minor at Fontys, at one of their partner universities in the Netherlands, or at one of Fontys her 125 partner universities all over the world.

Year 4
In the seventh semester you follow further marketing related subjects. Moreover, you have the opportunity to specialize by means of electives like sports or event marketing.
In the final semester you do another work placement and work on a practical problem within a company. You report the solutions to this practical problem in your final product: the graduation report. Once having concluded this final part of the study programme, you are rewarded with the internationally recognized degree Bachelor of Science.

Career prospects:
Nowadays businesses cannot survive without strong marketing. Through clever and creative marketing campaigns companies communicate with their target groups. As a versatile marketer you can work in virtually any company. The area of marketing is very broad, which is reflected in the different functions marketers occupy. Possible jobs are: Account manager / Communication consultant / Brand Manager / Consultant / Campaign Manager / Digital Marketer / Product Marketer / Sales Manager / Trade Marketer / Social Media Manager / Sales Manager / Market Researcher / Entrepreneur

Ulteriori informazioni

Fontys University of Applied Sciences si trova nel cuore innovativo dei Paesi Bassi: Eindhoven (Brabant). Ha un gran numero di studenti e corsi di grande qualità tra cui puoi scegliere.
Fontys offre una garanzia abitativa e quasi il 100% dei suoi studenti tecnici (in corsi come la meccatronica e il software engineering) trova lavoro anche prima di laurearsi. Scelta perfetta per coloro che sono appassionati di tecnologia e stanno pensando di iniziare la loro carriera nei Paesi Bassi.

Caratteristiche Uniche:
1. Fa parte del consorzio BRAINPORT, la regione più innovativo di Europa
2. Il Sole 24 Ore ha scritto questo articolo su Brainport & Fontys
3. Offre una garanzia abitativa (se ti iscrivi in tempo)
4. Fontys la trovi in 5 città Olandesi: Eindhoven, Tilburg, Venlo, Sittard, Rotterdam

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Marketing Management - Fontys University

2.530 € IVA inc.