MOC80295 Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011


A Segrate

1.050 € +IVA

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    3 Giorni

A continuazione troverai il programma di questo corso disegnato per migliorare le tue competenze e permetterti di realizzare gli obiettivi stabiliti. Nel corso della formazione si alterneranno differenti moduli che ti permetteranno di acquisire le conoscenze sulle tematiche proposte. Iscriviti per accedere alle seguenti materie.

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Segrate (Milano)
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Via Cassanese, 224, Palazzo Mantegna, Scala A, 20090

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  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • CRM


Al termine del corso gli allievi saranno in grado di:
  • Descrivere in che modo Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 può essere esteso e le caratteristiche di estensibilità di base.
  • Utilizzare metodi comuni ed entità personalizzate per accedere al sistema, in particolare al modello di sicurezza, alla logica di business, al quadro xRM ed alle eccezioni.
  • Eseguire le seguenti tipologie di query nel database di Microsoft Dynamics CRM: QueryAttribute, QueryByExpression, LINQ, FetchXM, viste filtrate e OData.
  • Spiegare in che modo il servizio di web service Organizzazione interagisce con i metadati Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Sviluppare attività di workflow personalizzate all'interno di Microsoft Dynamics CRM che eseguono codice quando il workflow viene configurato o vengono create delle regole di dialogo.
  • Eseguire il debug del codice personalizzato di workflow di lavoro e utilizzare workflow dichiarativi per deployments On-premise.
  • Usare i plug-in per estendere le funzionalità degli eventi di una qualsiasi entità in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
  • Comprendere l'integrazione tra Windows Azure e Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
  • Utilizzare le caratteristiche built-in dell'applicazione Microsoft Dynamics CRM e capire come il CRM Dynamics si comporta quando: i moduli vengono caricati o salvati, i dati di ogni campo modificati, le schede subiscono un cambiamento di stato e gli IFRAMES vengono caricati.
  • Aggiungere pulsanti personalizzati, voci di menu e modifiche alle aree di navigazione, gestire l'interazione con la mappa del sito e la barra multifunzione.
  • Aggiungere contenuto web personalizzato (ad esempio HTML, immagini, Silverlight, JavaScript) ai forms di CRM.
  • Utilizzare le risorse web per consentire la memorizzazione di blocchi di codice condiviso o risorse per il riutilizzo in tutta l'applicazione Web Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
This module introduces some of the basic concepts in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, including a brief description of the xRM Application Framework, and the platform and features upon which it is built. The module also provides a review of the Security model, business logic, business entity and data access components. Finally the module contains a list of helpful skills and resources to assist in the development process. This module explains how to use a number of common methods to access both system and custom entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. It includes a detailed description of these methods and the available data types in the system. The module also contains a sample application that shows the audience how to create and update a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 entity. Finally, it provides some helpful information about error handling. This module provides the audience a variety of ways to query the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database including: QueryAttribute, QueryByExpression, LINQ, FetchXML, Filtered views and OData. Additionally, the module describes the Execute method and explains how to use the OrganizationRequest and OrganizationResponse messages within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Finally, the module explains how the Organization Service web service can be used to interact with Microsoft Dynamics CRM metadata. This module explains how to develop custom workflow activities for use within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The functionality of Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be extended by writing custom workflow activities that run code when configured workflow or dialog rules are run. In addition, the module describes how to debug custom workflow activity code as well as how to use declarative workflows for On-premise deployments. This module provides the audience with an overview of Plug-ins. Plug-ins are powerful mechanisms used to extend the functionality of events for any entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. The module reviews how plug-ins are used. It provides an explanation of the event framework, and examines Plug-ins as they pertain to Isolation, Trusts and Statistics. In addition the module illustrates how to develop Plug-ins, use impersonation and Entity Classes, and how to register, deploy and debug Plug-ins. Finally the module provides an overview of how to integrate Windows Azure with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. This module explains how to use the built-in features of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application. It also shows how the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application behaves when forms are loaded or saved, field data changes, tabs change state, and when IFRAMES are loaded. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, event handler code can be attached to five events. This module explains how to add custom buttons, menu items, and navigation areas so that custom solutions are included in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It also explains how to modify the Application Navigation area and goes into detail on the ways to customize both theSite Map and the Ribbon. This module explains how the addition of custom web content (for example HTML, Images, Silverlight, JavaScript) to CRM forms is a common method that is used to extend CRM functionality. It describes a few examples of the use of client-side technology such as among others, adding custom validation, mashups with other applications and adding new applications (for example, Silverlight applications displaying Microsoft Dynamics CRM data). The module also describes how web resources are used to enable the storage of shared blocks of code or resources so that they can then be reused across the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web application.

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MOC80295 Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

1.050 € +IVA