
A Padova

6001-7000 €

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  • Tipologia


  • Luogo


The verification of the acquired knowledge takes place through a common written test with 1-2 exercises to be solved analytically and 1-2 open questions on basic concepts. In this way we should be able to test the knowledge, the scientific vocabulary, the ability to synthesis and critical discussion acquired during the course.The second part of the exam will be oral and will be based on a discussion on the various topics discussed in class.

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Riviera Tito Livio, 6, 35122

Inizio del corso


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In short the contents of the program can be summarised as follows:
Thermodynamics of phase transitions.
Critical points, order parameters and critical exponents. Phase transitions and spontaneous symmetry breaking.
Analytical tools to solve spins model in 1D, transfer matrix formalisms.
Mean field theories.
Ginzburg Landau theory.
Ginzburg criterium and upper critical dimension. Scaling theory and Kadanoff block spin argument.
Renormalisation group in real space. Universality.

Please note that some topics may vary
Spontaneous symmetry breaking for continuous symmetry. Goldstone's theorem.

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Hai bisogno di un coach per la formazione?

Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.


6001-7000 €