
A Padova

6001-7000 €

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Oral exam based on the topics discussed during the lectures.                                                             

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Riviera Tito Livio, 6, 35122

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1) Color-magnitude diagrams: transformation luminosity-magnitude and color-temperature, bolometric corrections, effect of reddening, metallicity and chemical composition.
2) Definition of stellar population. historical background, present-day view. Stellar clusters as prototype of simple populations. The initial mass function.
3) Determination of the physics and structure parameters of stellar population from photometry (age, reddening, metallicity).
4) Chemical composition of stellar populations.
5) Binaries, Blue Stragglers, X-ray Binaries, black holes and other exotic objects in star clusters.
6) Population III stars. Hunting the first stars of the Universe.
7) The Galactic halo
- Ultra faint dwarfs
- Dwarf galaxies
- Globular clusters. Multiple stellar populations. Horizontal branch and second-parameter problem.
8) Galactic Bulge.
9) Thin and thick disk.
Open clusters. Multiple stellar populations in Magellanic Clouds clusters and the eMSTO phenomenon. Solar neighbours.
10) Star formation history in dwarf galaxies and in the Milky Way.

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6001-7000 €