
A Padova

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Written Examination:
The first part of the exam is a strategic planning exercise in the environmental domain (waste, water, sustainable mobility, etc.) at the local, national or international level.
The second part of the exam is a final written test (basic knowledge test) with closed and open answer questions.

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1- Environmental epistemology
Theory of environmental knowledge
How to define the environment
Key concepts of environment and of development

2 -The history of sustainable development
 Emergence of the concept of underdevelopment;
 Birth of the Third World concept;
 Neoliberal development and its environmental consequences; (Ecological disasters of neoliberal development: case studies of the oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in January 1969, of Minimata’s disease due to mercury pollution in Japan)
 The Club of Rome and the Meadows Report;
 The first United Nations Conference on Human Development in June 1972 (the United Nations Conference on Human Development in June 1972).
 The Second United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Kenya in 1982.
 The Third United Nations Conference on Environment and Development called the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro from 3th to 14th June 1992 and the institutional birth of the concept of sustainable development.
 The Fourth United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 10) in Johannesburg in June 2002
 The Fifth United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20) in Rio di Janeiro

3 -Intercultural Sustainable Development

- Environment and culture interaction;
- Environmental interaction and cultural diversity;
- Interaction of sustainable development and cultural diversity;
- Pillars of intercultural sustainable development;

4 - Global North/South Disparities, Environment and Sustainability

- The North of the World: definition and characteristics;
- The South of the World: definition and characteristics;
- The different North of the world
- The different South of the world
- Unity and diversity of the North of the world
- Unity and diversity of the South of the world
- North-South disparities in social, economic, environmental, cultural and political areas.
- Environmental problems in Northern countries
- Environmental problems in southern countries
- Rethinking the concept of developed and developing countries

5 - Measuring sustainable development

- The GDP
- The growth rate
- The interaction between the growth rate and the environment;
- The interaction between growth rate and cultural diversity;
- The decrease or degrowth
- The interaction between decay and the environment;
- United Nations Human Development Index
- Gross domestic happiness
- The happiest countries in the world
- World Day of Happiness

6- Strategic Planning
- Definition of strategic planning
- Key concepts of strategic planning
- The different structural phases of strategic planning (vision, mission, strategic definition, strategic planning, execution, action tactics and follow-up)
- Methodologies and operational tools to implement strategic planning
- Sector strategic planning
- Transversal strategic planning
- Results of Strategic Planning

7 - Strategic Sustainable Development Planning

- Planetary Agenda 21
- National agenda 21
- Local Agenda 21 and the sustainable cities process;
- Millennium Development Goals
- Agenda 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals)

8 - Case studies on strategic planning in the fields of environment and sustainable development at local, national and international levels.

- Case studies 1: Exercise on developing a local Agenda 21 (sustainable city);
- Case studies 2: Critical analysis of some local Agenda 21;
- Case studies 3: exercise to develop a national or local strategic plan for waste management, sustainable mobility, circular economy, air quality, sustainable purchasing, energy efficiency, etc.
- Case studies 4: Critical analysis of selected local or national strategic plans for waste managem

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6001-7000 €