Dealing with stress in a healthy way can be learned: we’ll show you how to turn negative stress into positive stress and make that state work for you. Challenges are part of our lives. But whether you perceive a task or situation as stressful depends on your perception. Everyone has a unique stress tolerance. The good news: You can learn to react better to stress and use it constructively for your own benefit. Because stress is not negative per se – on the contrary: it can act like a natural doping agent! 


First of all, you should realize that stress is a completely natural state that helps you to cope with high physical or mental efforts. If our ancestors had not become stressed at the sight of a saber-toothed tiger, they would hardly have mobilized the necessary forces to escape it! In stressful situations, your body releases hormones that make a maximum of energy available to you: You become more efficient, more attentive and are ready to activate additional reserves. However, it is important that the stress is only temporary and that you then calm down again. Otherwise, positive stress, also called eustress, will turn into its opposite. 

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Our tip: Plan regular breaks – for example between your learning units – even in stressful phases. The best way to make use of stress is to intensively challenge yourself in short work phases and then consciously relax. An extremely effective learning method that works according to this principle is the Pomodoro technique. Rewarding yourself after you have achieved your goals, for example a short walk, will also boost your motivation.    


According to psychologist Richard Lazarus, every stressful situation consists of a sequence of stimuli, so-called stressors. First, we evaluate whether we classify them as neutral, positive or problematic. If the latter is the case, we look for a solution. If the solution seems realistic or if we are able to cope with the situation, we have successfully coped with the stress. If, on the other hand, we feel overwhelmed, negative stress results. This means: The more coping competencies we have at our disposal, the more calmly we tackle even difficult tasks. 

Our tip: Good preparation and planning are half the battle! For example, if you have learned and internalized the material for an exam over a period of weeks, you will go into your exam much calmer and more relaxed. Then the questions or tasks may be tricky, but you know that you are up to them. 


In the long run, it can also be helpful to specifically face challenging situations. For example, if you find it stressful to speak in front of large groups, you can consciously practice this skill.  

Our tip: Set yourself small goals first and actively implement them in your professional or private environment. For example, if you’ve been thinking about studying for a while, you can set yourself an easy-to-achieve goal for the time being: For example, you can research which study program corresponds to your interests and what the right form of study is for you. You can also focus on one module at a time during your studies. The various tasks you need to complete in order to successfully complete the module can be broken down into smaller to-dos. This way, the challenge becomes manageable and you work your way towards your goal step by step. And with every challenge you master, your stress competence grows!

B.A. Digital Business
IU International University of Applied Sciences
388 €/mese
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M.Eng. Engineering Management
IU International University of Applied Sciences
816 €/mese
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