

1.315 € +IVA

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  • Tipologia


  • Metodologia


  • Durata

    2 Giorni

Is there a difference between making an effective presentation in Italian and making an effective presentation in English? Absolutely! Being a confident, polished speaker is not only necessary but well-advised in order to communicate such matters effectively and persuasively. During the course you will learn how to build an effective presentation adding interactivity.

Informazioni importanti


  • International-Presentation-Skills.pdf

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Inizio del corso


Inizio del corso

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Domande e risposte

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Successi del Centro


Tutti i corsi devono essere aggiornati

La media delle valutazioni dev'essere superiore a 3,7

Più di 50 opinioni degli ultimi 12 mesi

4 anni del centro in Emagister.


  • Characteristics of outstanding
  • Positive impact
  • Developing key presentation
  • Personal presentation
  • Enhancing vocal delivery
  • Communication
  • Kinesthetic
  • Presentation ideas structuring
  • Employing information graphics
  • Compelling closings


Introduction and overview
Characteristics of outstanding presentations
Creating a framework for success
Making a positive impact on your audience
Enhance your confidence as a presenter
Developing key presentation skills
Attention-getting openings and compelling closings:
creating a winning impression
capturing the audience
Improving your personal presentation tools:
enhancing vocal delivery
making eye contact
adding positive body language
Communication modes:
matching communication modes to audience learning styles
multimodal presentation techniques
Building an effective presentation
The construction and design process:
setting objectives
matching purpose and point to the audience
creating the storyboard model
Mindmapping as a presentation design tool:
rapidly capturing presentation ideas
structuring content for clarity
converting mindmaps into presentations
Shaping the presentation:
applying learning theory for optimal information transfer
volume vs. retention
Design high-impact slides:
making text, colour and graphics work together
limiting content to increase effect
employing information graphics to simplify complex data
Communicating the main points
Preparing to present with confidence:
identifying the key points
constructing the narrative by linking the key points
reducing your dependency on speaker notes
Applying high-retention techniques in your presentation:
starting powerfully
linking content to increase impact
the power of the unexpected
Making your message “stick”:
increasing information recall
emphasizing content with visual reinforcement techniques
the power of repetition
when to use handouts for maximum impact
closing the loop: checking for audience comprehension
Adding interactivity to your presentations
Audience-centered delivery:
benefits of audience feedback
Increasing audience involvement
establishing two-way communication
combating passive listening
Energizing presentations with questions:
choosing questions: rhetorical, group or targeted
leveraging questions to achieve the impact you want
turning your main point into questions
structuring questions to involve the entire audience
Handling audience interaction:
rewarding responses
managing questions from the audience
keeping to your timeline

Chiama il centro

Hai bisogno di un coach per la formazione?

Ti aiuterà a confrontare vari corsi e trovare l'offerta formativa più conveniente.


1.315 € +IVA